Every year, we help over 250 young people train in skills that help them earn a living.

40% of Kenyans are unemployed, and young people who can’t afford secondary education have little chance of work unless they can learn a trade.
Martin Gachihi came from a very poor family and spent only four years at school. With help from Footsteps, he took a plumbing course at the Naivasha Technical Training Institute and now earns enough money to look after himself.

Pauline wanted to be a motor vehicle mechanic. She was enrolled on an education programme which offered her the opportunity to take a 2 year course that included attachments with garages where she could gain practical experience in business. environment,
For Pauline, the course was a dream come true.
Footsteps supports the Naivasha Technical Training Institute and supports students on a wide a range of courses to equip young people for a rewarding career.

The IT training course at the Naivasha Technical Training Institute is very popular.
Kenya is a developing nation, and young school leavers like Helen know that good IT skills are becoming a prerequisite for a good job.
If you would like to help...
£30 a month will enable a young person acquire skills that provide a passport to wage-earning independence.
Success story...

Francis Kamau - welder and business entrepreneur.
Francis Kamau dropped out of school and drifted onto the streets of Naivasha in 2007. He was rescued and given a place at our Sunshine street boys rehabilitation Centre from where he completed primary school and then trained as a welder.
Today he runs a successful welding business in Nairobi and has employed to two more former street boys, Joseph Thiongo and Peter Gathoga as his way of saying thank you for the help he received.